Increase Your Income and Impact in Person

3 Days in Santa Fe, NM
April 3rd - 5th (Thursday - Saturday)
$997 early bird price $497


In  just three days, you’re going to:

  • Discover the key components to finally have a quantum leap

  • Learn how to connect to your worthiness and expand your capacity to receive

  • Experience, how to boost your confidence and connect to the power that lies within you.

  • Uncover the single most effective way to melt away your unworthiness and start owning your value. 

  • Learn the secret formula to financial freedom (and it’s not what you think).

  • Explore how carving time out for your money can shift your financial picture for the rest of your life. This can happen much faster than you can imagine.

  • Uncover the single most effective exercise to shifting from stress about finances to knowing you can confidently call money in whenever you need it

  • Discover the best approach to shift the “dollar per hour mindset to dollars per value” earnings.

  • Get clear on the importance of your message and how to bring it out to the world

  • Learn how to be of service and overcome the top challenges when closing a sale.

  • Discover why you’re playing small does not serve anyone and how to step into your greatness

  • Map out your timeline with a detailed plan of action.




• An exclusive lunch with Tania and other VIP's on the first day

• 2  private morning coffee Q&A sessions with Tania (taking place day 2 & 3 before event starts)

• A bonus VIP call with Tania after the event

If you want t to be part of the VIP full experience with all these additional perks plus make more in-depth connections with some amazing people, then you want to click on VIP UPGRADE button below.

** There are VIP tickets for everyone, (90% of our past participants always upgrade). Please know that If you’re considering upgrading at the event this won’t be possible since we have to give a head count to the caterers and prepare accordingly 2 weeks before. So if you’d like to be part of the VIP family we suggest that you don’t wait and upgrade now.

You will be receiving all your details to the VIP upgrade in a follow up email. 

Have questions or need additional support?

Email us at