MARCH 26TH - 30TH, 2024


If you want different results in life you have to do things differently

What’s a drifter? 

In this training, you’ll transition from passive drifter caught in the currents of life to empowered navigator, steering your journey as a leader with a definite purpose, intent, and unwavering conviction, by leveraging the life-altering wisdom of Napoleon Hill...

95% of the population are drifting in life, however they’re unaware. They don't know their purpose, they’re caught in the currents of day-to-day life, feeling unfulfilled, and feel unsatisfied - like there has to be more out there…

Does that sound like you?

Or maybe you…

→ Feel like there’s got to be more in life?

→ Are you feeling stagnant in your current job/career?

→ Lack passion and direction in your day-to-day life?

→ Lack clear purpose, yet have a deep down feeling you’re meant for so much more?

This is drifting And IT’S COSTING YOU YOUR LIFE.

This training will not only help you understand drifting from Napoleon's teachings but we will help you transform into the leader you were always meant to be.   

Here’s what we’ll cover:

DAY 1: Unmask the Drifter Within

You'll be equipped with tools to evaluate your personal trajectory and realize how you've been holding yourself back.

"No one ever drifts into anything but failure!"
~ Napoleon Hill

DAY 2: Embrace the Leader Within

It's time to stop following and start leading your life.

"You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be."
~Napoleon Hill

DAY 3: Getting Rid of Procrastination and Indecision

Be definite in everything you do and never leave unfinished thoughts in the miind. Form the habit of reaching definite decision on all subjects!”

~Napoleon Hill

Exercises & Implementation Tools

Based on Napoleon Hill's Time-Tested Principles